Our Bridesmaid Bouquet is bursting with beautiful seasonal blooms in your chosen color palette! We will use an assortment of premium seasonal blooms and create something that we know you'll love. No minimums, contracts or consultations! Just beautiful blooms.
This bouquet is handtied and finished with a satin ribbon in a coordinating color.
Just select your preferred color palette (Muted Sunset, Peach Sorbet, Blushy Neutrals, All Whites, and Montana Wildflower), select your pick up date and with the click of a button, you'll have your Bridesmaid Bouquet ready to go!
While we can't promise specific flowers (due to availability and seasonality) we can promise that you'll love it!
Order your Montana Wedding Flowers Today! This is available for pick up only.
Muted Sunset is shown.
Fall tones only available September-October
Photography by Amelia Anne Photography
Wedding Dress by Plume Bridal